Different between “UX Design” and “CX Design”.

Raisul Hasan Rafi
2 min readJul 5, 2023


Raisul Hasan Rafi

UX Design and CX Design are both related to the design of user experiences, but they focus on different aspects and levels of interaction. Here’s a breakdown of the differences between UX Design and CX Design:

1. User Experience (UX) Design:
User Experience Design is primarily concerned with the interaction between a user and a specific product or service. It focuses on creating meaningful and satisfying experiences for users when they engage with a particular digital or physical product. UX Designers consider various factors such as usability, accessibility, functionality, and aesthetics to enhance the overall user experience. They conduct user research, create wireframes and prototypes, and collaborate with developers and stakeholders to ensure the design meets user needs.

2. Customer Experience (CX) Design:
Customer Experience Design, on the other hand, encompasses the entire journey of a customer across multiple touchpoints and interactions with a company or brand. CX Design focuses on creating a seamless and consistent experience throughout the entire customer lifecycle, from initial awareness to post-purchase support. It considers various channels and platforms, including physical stores, websites, mobile apps, social media, customer service, and more. CX Designers aim to understand customer needs, emotions, and expectations, and align business strategies to deliver a positive and cohesive experience at every touchpoint.

In summary, while UX Design concentrates on designing optimal interactions within a specific product or service, CX Design takes a broader perspective and seeks to optimize the entire end-to-end experience a customer has with a brand. Both disciplines are crucial in ensuring customer satisfaction and loyalty, but their scope and focus differ.

